Expected Behavior:
We are looking for an amazing person, an amazing person to us its an A player. An A player has excellent communications skills, its a team player, zero excuses, has initiative, doesn’t need supervision, you ask them to do a thing one time and they do that thing and they come to you and say «I have done this, what else do you want me to do and I have this ideas of things we can do.»
We are looking for someone who never settles for anything less than the best, that has high expectations of themselves.
We are looking for someone who works well under pressure with a tight deadline, and know how how to cope with pressure and deadlines.
Must Have 100% of Excellent Communication 100% of the Times.
- Every communication sent, is expected to be answered 100% of the times.
- It is expected that each message sent, its 100% executed and communicated that it was executed 100% of the times.
- It is expected to respond to the whatsap messages inside the 30 minute range, failure to respond to whatsap messages communicates lack of commitment and lack of dependability.
- It is expected that the person that is hired its looking at the telephone at least every 30 minutes. Not answering the phone communicates lack of interest.
- One time we communicate what we want, like posting every day the content and sending the photo of the changed photo, it should be understood by the person that the photo should be sent. We dont want a person that we need to remind «please send the changed photo», the next day: «please send the changed photo».
- We want a person that answers the whatsap messages all the time, during all days of the week, from 8 a.m. until 8 p.m. We are in a creative process, and the ideas come up at any time, we want a person that can respond with speed to the ideas that come up at whatever time.
- The whatsap configuration should be always on available mode.
- We want somebody that is 100% reliable and dependable, not somebody that is with excuses all the time.
Consequence of not answering one message:
Consequence of not executing a work that was asked:
Consequence of not communicating a work that was asked:
Job Description.
- Everyday, the first task, from Monday to Friday, is to change Facebook Banner. This must be changed, every day, and a photo of the change must be sent by WhatsApp. This takes 5 minutes.
- Everyday should come to work, from 9 a.m. to 13 p.m., no excuses.
- The schedule every day(unless there is an specific job) its from 9 a.m. to 13 p.m., no excuses.
- We dont want a person that has excuses not to come to work, it is expected to come to work 100% of the days.
Consequence of not changing the Facebook Banner every day:
Consequence of not sending this task using WhatsApp as asked:
- Everyday, the second task, from Monday to Friday, is to find cool news from our customers, and post at least 2 posts. This must be done every day, and a photo of the two posts must be sent by WhatsApp. This takes 10 minutes.
Consequence of not posting news from our customers:
Consequence of not sending this task using WhatsApp as asked:
The person we are looking is a highly motivated woman and we want an assistant who would like to work with us long term.
The address is: Oficinas Administrativas Hilanderías Cumbayá S.A., Oswaldo Guayasamin E5-25 y Siena(Interoceánica Km 11.5). La Tejedora Distrito Creativo.
Working hours: Monday trough Friday, 4 hours everyday, from 10 a.m. to 12 a.m.; 20 hours per week, 80 hours per month.
The person will work with:
- José Julio Córdova Whatsap: 099-0-612-230. Lives in Quito, Ecuador.
The candidate must know:
- Graphics design experience(Adobe Photoshop and Adobe Ilustrator).
- How to build websites on WordPress.
- Aweber or Mailchimp to set up automatic email campaigns.
- How to set up Shopping carts.
- How to do Audio and video editing.
- Facebook marketing.
- The right person for this position has potential to grow within our company, so apply only if you are looking to develop a long-term business relationship.
The project is develop the new digital brand called La Tejedora Distrito Creativo.
- Passionate about mastering and learning everything about internet marketing.
- Learn about Copy Writing.
- Learn about Split Testing A/B.
- Somebody that has initiative.
- Somebody that is self motivated to keep learning.
- Work under pressure.
- The person must be extremely organized.
- The person must work well under deadlines.
- Have good communication skills.
- And have knowledge to do Online Marketing.
The “Hurdle-A-Thon” Hiring Process:

This are the tests:
Hurdle #1: The Typing Test
The Hurdle: Go to a specific website that calculates online typing speed and take the typing speed test found there. I give them a link and the instructions are simple: paste the URL for your typing speed results in the space below.
Hurdle #2: The Multi-Step Assignment
The Hurdle: This hurdle has multiple steps:
1. Download a video from a link.
2. Upload the video to YouTube
3. Create a new WordPress post on any blog
4. Title the post “Ryan Video”
5. Write a 100 word blog post summarizing the video
6. Insert the YouTube Video into the post
7. Copy the URL and paste it in the space below in the application.
Hurdle #3: The Deadline Fax Test
The Hurdle: Hand-write a response to a given question and fax it within 24 hours.
Here’s the question: “I’m looking for someone who’s hopefully going to be on my team for the next 5-10 years. What is it going to take for you to want to be in that kind of position?”
Excellent communication skills 100% of the time:
- Always respond the messages written to the Whatsap, not necessarily at the moment they received, but always respond.
- Always answer the phone, if cant answer, it is expected to call back as a sign of courtesy.
- We are looking for a Part-Time Assistant to GROW with Our Company that is in Quito, Cumbayá.